Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 11, 2008

Completed 13 of the 23 things and feeling more conversant with web 2.0 than before.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

October 2008: Time to get serious about finishing 23 Things.
Week 5-6 RSS and News and Play. Signed up for Bloglines.

Monday, June 30, 2008

#3 Delicious and tagging

Completed the Delicious assignment: added to the my toolbar; added 23 Things; watched and read. Learning to tag.

Delicious - tagging #3 of 23

Completed #6 - exploring technorati, blog tracker on icerocket and more.
Completed #7 - recognizing Web 2.0 isn't going away and I have to just inch my way forward. I built a ning site for a conversational salon...although I would have to pay to really clean the site up from the ads etc. Have improved my blog with more widgits. I think if I spend more time in the SLA innovation lab I will discover other tools to enhance what I am doing.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Continuing 23 Things

Worked through Flickr - still not sure how to upload photos...but will tackle again today. Am signed up for it and a bunch of other cool tools surrounding it. Would like to try the collage if I would get enough photos to add that would look coherent. Am officially registered now as well. Fixed Survey Monkey per Deb Hunt.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Week 4 RSS & Newsreaders

I read and copyedited this looks great.
Set up a Bloglines account and think I added some RSS feeds from the ones suggested although at this point I am confused between bloglines and blogger.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Week 5 Fun Things

I created an avatar in Yahoo. Me in a pretty red dress and cool white hat. Seemed easy enough -- not sure what I'd do with it...but there it is.
Started one in Second life and didn't manage final sign on process.

Listed to the Odeo podcast. Not sure what that is about either.

Created a Rollyo search tool and added a bunch of travel sites. Have it on my toolbar now but am confused about where all the sites go to or how to access them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hello from Deb Hunt

this is my first experience with a blog and I love it!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 1 Learning

Week 1: March 10, 2008: Introduction - Learn to learn this way.
1. Read this blog & find out about the program.
2. Discovered a few pointers from lifelong learners and learned how to nurture my own learning process.

Week 2 Blogging

Week 2: March 17 , 2008: Blogging
3. Set up my own blog & added first post.
4. Register my blog with 'central' and began my Learning 2.0 journey. Compiled a cheat sheet to remember about blogging.