Monday, June 30, 2008

#3 Delicious and tagging

Completed the Delicious assignment: added to the my toolbar; added 23 Things; watched and read. Learning to tag.

Delicious - tagging #3 of 23

Completed #6 - exploring technorati, blog tracker on icerocket and more.
Completed #7 - recognizing Web 2.0 isn't going away and I have to just inch my way forward. I built a ning site for a conversational salon...although I would have to pay to really clean the site up from the ads etc. Have improved my blog with more widgits. I think if I spend more time in the SLA innovation lab I will discover other tools to enhance what I am doing.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Continuing 23 Things

Worked through Flickr - still not sure how to upload photos...but will tackle again today. Am signed up for it and a bunch of other cool tools surrounding it. Would like to try the collage if I would get enough photos to add that would look coherent. Am officially registered now as well. Fixed Survey Monkey per Deb Hunt.